KKirkwood Consulting, LLC
25 Lowell St
Manchester, NH 03103
United States
ph: 603-781-4304
Lead-Edu is certified to offer all Lead Training that is available for any Lead Professional in the State of NH. Lead-Edu is also certified nationwide to offer the combined EPA/HUD training required for all renovators working on pre 1978 housing or child occupied facilities.
Do I need this training?
You do if you are a landlord, renovation contractor, painter, plumber, electrician, carpenter, or anyone who makes money working on properties built before 1978.
Where do I get this training?
Lead-Edu is certified to offer this training anywhere in the United States, and we will come to your facility if you have at least 5 people who need this training (travel costs may apply). We also offer classes through our partners, open to the public.
For a schedule of current classes and more information visit our website at www.lead-edu.info. For a custom class at your facility contact Ben Kirkwood
Who is Kate Kirkwood?
National expert on Lead Paint systems, certifications and projects
Training Program Manager:
Principle Instructor
Intake Specialist for HUD Lead Abatement Grant Programs
EPA/HUD Certified Renovator,
EPA Certified Dust Sampling Technician,
HUD Certified Healthy Homes Rater,
Public Speaker,
NH Certified Lead Abatement Contractor
Consultant who can help you through all aspects of any project involving lead paint
State of New Hampshire Training Provider
Who needs this training ??
Property owners
Property Managers
anyone who disturbs paint in a house built before 1978
Or in any building where a child under 6 goes on a regular basis. Call or email for more info
For registration and class info contact our office at 603-203-6430 or go to our lead edu website by clicking here
Copyright 2009 KKirkwood Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved. Updated 2016
KKirkwood Consulting, LLC
25 Lowell St
Manchester, NH 03103
United States
ph: 603-781-4304