KKirkwood Consulting, LLC
25 Lowell St
Manchester, NH 03103
United States
ph: 603-781-4304
Posted on September 26, 2018
Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs! I love them! They are creative, fascinating, problem solvers. They are the young people determined to control their destiny, the corporate executive who knows there must be a better way, the mom who wants to build an income that doesn’t mean leaving her kids with someone else every day. They are the young, old, disabled, busy, educated, illiterate, wealthy and indigent. They are successful, they fail, they are scared and confident, they are pioneers.
What do they do? They stay up late, and get up early. They talk and type and drink coffee; they read and they study; they laugh with delight one day, and cry in despair the next.
Who are they? The ones I know are contractors, landlords, self-starters, students, friends, lovers, parents and grandparents. However, they are learning, doing, failing, learning more and moving on.
Are you a kitchen table entrepreneur? Do you control your time? Do you know what you are worth? Or does a “boss” or a “job” define you? Do you know you can do more? Better? What’s holding you back?
What are the best businesses for kitchen table entrepreneurs? They are the ones that can be done at any time of the day or night. Electronic (e-business) and virtual (no brick and mortar stores) The ones that cross time zones are the best – someone is always buying or using your product or service. And the compensation has to be residual and/or passive. You can’t be trading time for money – that’s a job.
You know what a job is right? It’s where the boss pays you just enough so you won’t quit, and you work just enough so they won’t fire you. Some people call it “just over broke”
The entrepreneurial spirt will not stand for this. You want more, you deserve more, and you know you can have it. When you are passionate about what you do, because you truly reap the benefits the sky really is the limit!
Let’s look at the perfect business model together! Contact me at 603-781-4304 or attend a Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs Workshop or Seminar – Kate@kkirkwood.com
Copyright 2009 KKirkwood Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved. Updated 2016
KKirkwood Consulting, LLC
25 Lowell St
Manchester, NH 03103
United States
ph: 603-781-4304